Thursday 3 March 2016

We Have Arrived!

Well, first off my apologies for not updating yesterday but it was a little overwhelming to say the least as we finally arrived at our home on Roatan.  Let me take you back to how the day started.

We left off last night on our arrival at Casa Espana where we were treated like family by the owner Carlos and his wife. We had a wonderful evening and a very good night's sleep then up early at 6 a.m. Mic and I are not really breakfast people, but Carlos would not let us leave without making us a full breakfast of bacon and eggs, and fresh baked bread. They also served us the most divine coffee; the best we had on the trip.

At 7:30 a.m., we followed Carlos to the freight company who would ship our vehicle to Roatan. Unfortunately they do not have ferries as they do in BC or Washington state that carry cars. After we dropped off the truck, we headed over to the ferry terminal where we checked the dogs with cargo and bought tickets for ourselves. After our long trip, Mic thought we should splurge and buy first class tickets. It was nice, and they served us coffee, but not really worth the $10 extra, but at least the section was nice and quiet.

Upon arrival at the ferry terminal on Roatan, our good friend Edward Du Monceaux picked us up and kindly drove us to our home. Our tenant, Keith Miller of Blue Wave Radio Roatan gave us a wonderful greeting and our dogs were greeted by Keith and Greta's dogs Diego and Annabelle with wagging tails and lots of play. There were a couple of disagreements, but they are all getting along splendidly.

I had no idea how tiring the trip had been until we finally sat down in the dining room of our home. It was all we could do to keep our eyes open.

We went to a new restaurant for dinner with Edward and his partner Sergia, and had a wonderful Italian feast and shared some wine. It is so good to see our friends on the island. Thank goodness we had an early evening, and we retired fairly early last night. It is so good to be home!!!

From here on forward, I will be blogging every few days about our day to day life on the island and our adjusting to Carnibbean life. Until later my friends.

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